Monday, June 3, 2013

We Survived and are Back!

I do not recommend 24 hours of traveling with a two-year old but sometimes there are no alternatives and the great news is we are back and it is over! We arrived 8-ish pm Thursday evening at Dulles airport and unfortunately had a rather long line to get through Customs. And although the Chinese had a civilized process at their airport that allowed Libby and I to go straight up to a special handling fast line (based on our obvious handicap), there was no such special treatment at Dulles. Well, that is until we had been in the line for "too long", Libby's "good" was "used up", and I had run out of any form of diversion. At that point I adopted a sort of "go for it Libby" attitude and miraculously a nice customs gentleman came up to me rather quickly and escorted us to the front of the line. I suppose we were making a bit of a scene. If I'd allowed that a bit sooner I might have been able to avoid the lovely bite mark on my upper arm! Oh well! :) Libby is doing pretty good with all the adjustments and transitions. She likes to swing on the front porch swing and she and Andrew are starting to interact a lot and have fun. It is a bit challenging for Andrew to have a little one getting so much attention so we keep telling him what a great big boy he is and that we want Libby to copy his behavior (and not the other way around - which naturally happens some because she gets attention!). In China I think eating was our hardest time. At home, sleeping is now our hardest time. It helps a lot to have our own high chair, plastic bowls, and constant access to food, drinks, and snacks. But add jetlag to the sleeping process and that has been harder. Last night she did sleep all through the night so hopefully we are on the way toward improvement. The hard times now are getting her down to sleep. This is not unusual. One of the "experts" on adoption noted that during the day the kids can stay distracted with all the activities and new happenings but naps and night time allow them quiet time without diversion and they get back caught up in all that is happening to them. Below are some travel pictures, including our guide Becky, and a link to a discussion of adoption transition issues (just fyi).

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday - We're Off!

Hi all - it is early Thursday morning and we are off to breakfast to ready for an 8:15 meeting in the lobby with our guide and the other family that leaves today. Our first flight to Beijing is not until 12:30, but the other family leaves first at 11 so we all are taking a van together to the airport. Yesterday was uneventful-- Late breakfast and a trip to the shopping street to purchase more baby wipes at the department store. I did packing and Libby took and afternoon nap and it was rainy - which is actually nice because there is actually a blue sky afterwards. At 4:30 Becky our guide called at had Libby's visa and paperwork in the lobby. I met up again with Rose and family and went for short walk and early dinner at the 3rd of the Chinese restaurants recommended by Becky, and I think this was the best. Some more pictures, maybe including Libby enjoying ice cream. Think of us today - and tomorrow! - as we are on our long marathon journey home. 12:30 flight to Beijing (3 hours); layover in Beijing; 6-ish flight from Beijing to Dulles - arrive as new American citizen Thursday night!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday - Consulate and Safari Park

Today started early with a 7:30 meeting with our guide in the lobby and an 8:30 appointment at the US consulate to finish up the process to get Libby's US visa. We were back to our hotel by around 10:15. Our guide will pick up the documents from the consulate tomorrow afternoon and deliver them to us at the hotel at around 4:30 pm. After the consulate Libby and I went with Rose's family (Elizabeth and Rick) to the Safari Park. Grace and I had taken Andrew in 2010 and it is really impressive. They have a lot of variety of animals and a LOT of all the animals that they have. If any of you have a special interest in animals and zoology it is Chimelong Safari Park if you want to google it. You can get really close to alot of animals. It starts with a train right through their safari area and it seemed like some worker was throwing food to each set of animals as our train passed by. I was anxious for him to hurry up with the throwing to the tigers because they were eyeing the train riders as if they thought we'd make a good alternative meal. We did not get back until about 4:45. Libby slept a bit in the stroller (like Andrew, she slept through the panda exhibit) and has been playing here in the room and snacking on some leftovers. We will venture out to the shopping street in a minute for our evening walk and then return for room service again. I am intending to include photos from the shopping street, our Holiday Inn hotel above the shopping street, us at the consulate and an animal shot. I have given up on trying to format on blogger because it never seems to show up how I intended. And sometimes the pictures I want will not insert. So that may or may not be the pictures you will see below - or as it turns out, above. I am also including (maybe) a picture of Libby enjoying lotion. She has done really well with tooth brushing because I have discovered that she is a lover of all kinds of personal products. And she loves putting the lotion on her arms and legs. Tomorrow is a free day. Rose and family have their consulate appointment tomorrow so maybe we will go back to the island for walking around after they return. See you soon!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday - 6 Banyan Temple

Today our guide met all 3 families at 10:30 in the hotel lobby to take us on a tour of the 6 Banyan Temple. There used to be 6 Banyan trees but now there are 5. There is a happy Budda when you enter and behind him an angry Budda facing the other way (according to our guide, added by the Monks to discourage people who were stealing the offerings). We were back to the hotel area at about noon and Libby and I had lunch again with the Massachusetts family and their daughter Rose. According to her mom, Rose's Chinese name means "beautiful flower" and that was part of the selection process for her name. And part of Libby's Chinese name is Jian which is the word for double-edged sword. :) Below are pictures from the temple tour, including a picture with all the families: Libby (2 in March), Rose (2 in March a week before Libby) and Lila (2 in January). Also random pictures of the streets of Guangzhou. We had to be back to our rooms between 1:30 and 3 for our guide to call us with the results of the TB medical test. Libby passed so no extra hurdles there. It is 4:30 pm and Libby is up from her nap. We will probably walk the shopping street for a while and order room service and have an early night. We have to meet our guide at 7:30am in the lobby (after breakfast) to go to our US consulate appointment at 8:30. Then Wednesday is a free day and Thursday home.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Videos don't work . ..

Oh well. Here are a couple of pictures instead.


Here are a couple of videos that may show you a bit more of Libby's personality. Assuming this all works . . .

Sunday in Guangzhou

Let me start by saying that anyone who wants to send me an email to say hello is welcome! I'm a bit like a kid sent off to camp - on the other side of the world!! :) Libby and I had a good "free" day today. At breakfast we ran into another family with our agency who also just adopted a 2 year old daughter. The mom and dad are traveling and they have 3 older sons at home. We made plans to meet after Breakfast to walk to Shaiman Island. I can't seem to get photos to insert in the correct order/placement but I bet you all can figure them out. The island is in the middle of the Pearl River and is a former colonial area with western style buildings and lots of "garden" / tree filled walk ways. It is about a 20 minute walk from our hotel and a nice escape from the bustle and noise of the shopping area where we are located. The island is where we spent our entire time when we adopted Andrew. There is a historic hotel there that was a frequent staying place for adoptive families - The White Swan Hotel. It has been under renovation for some time and is completely closed down and covered with scaffolding. We walked and walked, played at a playground, ate lunch at "Lucys" (another mainstay restaurant for adoptive familes (English menu!)) and bought some souveniers. There are statutes all over the island and it is a common place for Chinese couples to take wedding photos. We returned to the hotel and Libby is napping. It is almost 6 pm here. We will stay in and have room service again tonight - eating is our hardest time. But we will make a run to the department store on the shopping street which sells diapers on the 3rd floor. These are pictures above of Libby, Rose and lots of other similar aged kids posing with a statue of children. Libby got the "statue" part and I don't think moved once I placed her into position. It is this side of her personality when she is studying things and taking it all in that tricked me into thinking she is reserved and shy. She does stand back to study all the options --- but then she is really prepared to make her move! She watched and watched at the playground but once she had some idea of the "game" she is definite about tapping and pointing and pulling you where she wants you to go. She figured out the slide and wanted to be lifted to the hanging bars. I'm sure she will really like it when she has access to swings!