Today started early with a 7:30 meeting with our guide in the lobby and an 8:30 appointment at the US consulate to finish up the process to get Libby's US visa. We were back to our hotel by around 10:15. Our guide will pick up the documents from the consulate tomorrow afternoon and deliver them to us at the hotel at around 4:30 pm. After the consulate Libby and I went with Rose's family (Elizabeth and Rick) to the Safari Park. Grace and I had taken Andrew in 2010 and it is really impressive. They have a lot of variety of animals and a LOT of all the animals that they have. If any of you have a special interest in animals and zoology it is Chimelong Safari Park if you want to google it. You can get really close to alot of animals. It starts with a train right through their safari area and it seemed like some worker was throwing food to each set of animals as our train passed by. I was anxious for him to hurry up with the throwing to the tigers because they were eyeing the train riders as if they thought we'd make a good alternative meal. We did not get back until about 4:45. Libby slept a bit in the stroller (like Andrew, she slept through the panda exhibit) and has been playing here in the room and snacking on some leftovers. We will venture out to the shopping street in a minute for our evening walk and then return for room service again. I am intending to include photos from the shopping street, our Holiday Inn hotel above the shopping street, us at the consulate and an animal shot. I have given up on trying to format on blogger because it never seems to show up how I intended. And sometimes the pictures I want will not insert. So that may or may not be the pictures you will see below - or as it turns out, above. I am also including (maybe) a picture of Libby enjoying lotion. She has done really well with tooth brushing because I have discovered that she is a lover of all kinds of personal products. And she loves putting the lotion on her arms and legs. Tomorrow is a free day. Rose and family have their consulate appointment tomorrow so maybe we will go back to the island for walking around after they return. See you soon!
You had a busy day. Enjoy your day off tomorrow--sleep in. We look forward to seeing you real soon.